Hello everyone,
I hope everybody is keeping well and had a nice bank holiday weekend. It’s great to have such nice weather at the moment. Hopefully it sticks around! Work for the week has been uploaded to Aladdin. Thank you to those who have sent me work through Google Drive so far. Again, no pressure to do so.
This week marks the second week of our project on Spain. I look forward to reading some of these during the week. Well done to everybody for being so active last week! Remember to keep it up and try to get at least 1 hour of exercise each day.
During the month of May we will be focussing on Biodiversity. I’ve attached below some things to be on the lookout for.
Have a great week!
Mr. Enright
I hope everybody is keeping well and had a nice bank holiday weekend. It’s great to have such nice weather at the moment. Hopefully it sticks around! Work for the week has been uploaded to Aladdin. Thank you to those who have sent me work through Google Drive so far. Again, no pressure to do so.
This week marks the second week of our project on Spain. I look forward to reading some of these during the week. Well done to everybody for being so active last week! Remember to keep it up and try to get at least 1 hour of exercise each day.
During the month of May we will be focussing on Biodiversity. I’ve attached below some things to be on the lookout for.
Have a great week!
Mr. Enright
biodiversity.pdf |
SESE Project: Spain
Use ‘Earthlink’ pages 60 ,61, 78 and 79 as well as the internet to carry out some research on Spain. Using your researched information to carry out a project and present your findings. You can write or type your information.
Suggested Topics: Labelled Map, Famous Cities, Weather and Climate, Food, Facts, Famous Leaders/People, Football Clubs, History, Art etc.
Pablo Picasso was a famous artist from Spain. His painting are known all over the world, However, they do look very strange indeed. They often use lots of bright colours and strange shapes to make portraits of people ( that don’t always look very like the actual person). Draw/paint yourself or somebody else you know in the same style as Picasso. Follow the link to get some ideas.
When we return to school it will probably be a little strange and take us all a while to get back into a routine. Think of 5 different activities/ games/ challenges or tasks that a class or small groups could do to help with teamwork and working together. You can include outside games and some simple equipment like hula hoops, balls and bean bags if you like.
Useful Websites
Maths Tables: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/times-tables
Maths – Money: https://ie.ixl.com/math/class-3/purchases-do-you-have-enough-money-up-to-10-euro
RTÉ’s Home School Hub: RTÉ2 @11am: https://www.rte.ie/player/
English: https://readtheory.org/app/sign-up/summary
Cúla 4 Ar Scoil: TG4 at 10am (https://www.cula4.com/en/shows/cula4-ar-scoil/)
Go Noodle: https://app.gonoodle.com/channels
Gaeilge: https://www.seideansi.ie/gutai.php
PE/Exercise: https://rtejr.rte.ie/10at10/
Art: https://www.google.com/search?q=pablo+picasso+paintings+for+kids&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjExK_DqJLpAhVsA8AKHYReANkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=pablo+picasso+painting&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgDMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIAFCZ-QlYsYAKYNubCmgAcAB4AIABTogBxQaSAQIxNpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=MOerXsTsHuyGgAaEvYHIDQ&bih=657&biw=1366
Daily Challenge:
Tuesday - Meditation
Find a quiet place to relax and meditate. Play some gentle music if you like and think of all the positive and happy things you are doing and will do once we return to normal.
Wednesday: Make a bird feeder for your garden or windowsill.
Don’t worry if you don’t have birdseed there are plenty of other things you can include.
Thursday - Make a leaf or bark rubbing. Place a dry leaf or leaves in the middle of a folded piece of paper. Use a crayon to gently rub on the paper covering the leaf(leaves.) Remember to be gentle so the pattern comes out well and you do not tear the paper. For a bark rubbing, place your paper against the tree bark and with a crayon rub along the paper and watch the pattern come through. You can use different colours to make it more decorative if you like.
Friday - Superhero Challenge
Aqua man Mania
7 x push ups
7 x squats
7 x sit ups
7 x jumping jacks
7 x highs knees (each side)
This makes one round. See how many rounds you can do before you must stop.
Life Skill
Tuesday: Learn where to find ‘best before’ dates on food items in your fridge or your cupboards Some are trickier to find than others
Wednesday: Try to keep a record of any birds that come to visit your feeder. Don’t forget to provide water for our fathered friends too.
Thursday: Learn about those funny dials and numbers on a washing machine and what they are for. Maybe with some practice you could wash your own clothes.
Friday: Learn your home address, and contact numbers for a parent/ guardian off by heart. If you already know these try to learn another address and contact number just in case of emergency. Your grandparents, an aunt or uncle, a family friend would all be good choices.
- 10@10
Carry out exercises on a different episode each morning at 10 am.