The Department of Health and the HSE have issued guidelines on how schools will deal with suspected cases of Covid-19. Public Health Services will manage all suspected cases and the school will follow their advice and directions fully.
Click on this link 'SCHOOLS PATHWAY FOR COVID-19, THE PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACH' to view these guidelines.
The response to confirmed cases or outbreaks of Covid-19 in the community or in a school is the responsibility of and will be led and managed by Public Health HSE. All decisions as to appropriate actions following a confirmed case or outbreak will be made by their teams in the context of a full Public Health Risk Assessment procedure according to the principles set out in the document in the link above. Any actions to be taken by the school will be communicated directly by Public Health HSE. School management will be informed as and when such actions such as exclusion of children or staff; partial or full closure, are deemed necessary on public health grounds. If the school is not so informed, it has not been deemed necessary by Public Health.