Home School Community Liaison

HSCL Coordinator

Aisling Gillick (hscl@newtownprimary.ie), who has been a teacher in the school, is the coordinator of the scheme. In this role, she does not teach but is free instead to meet parents and run the scheme within the school. She helps parents to develop the skills necessary to support their child's learning. Parents play a major role in supporting the work of the teachers and it is the policy of Newtownmountkennedy Primary School to welcome parents in the school at all times.  

How does the Scheme work?

The scheme recognises parents as the primary educators of their children. Aisling supports parents in this important role.

She will visit parents in their homes. Home visits will allow parents to voice their views and concerns in their own environment.

She will organise talks and courses for parents which will be held in the school. All guest speaker workshops will be based on the requests and needs of parents.

Talks and courses are based on interests from parents e.g. Parenting, Computers, Maths courses.

These courses help parents to learn new skills while giving parents important time to themselves.

HSCL scheme promotes teacher and staff attitudes towards partnership working and adopting a whole- school approach to attendance, participation and retention in school.  

Local Education Committee

In order to involve the wider community in the HSCL Scheme, Aisling meets with local agencies working in Newtownmountkennedy in order to focus on educational issues. 


The HSCL scheme is there for the benefit of you and your children. Its success depends largely on the input of parents, so please make every effort to get involved in our school, e.g. Parent's Association, helping in classes & attending courses. 

The benefit to you and your children will be great.

We welcome your ideas, opinions and requests, so please share them with us.