Good Morning 3rd Class,
I hope everyone is keeping well and had a nice weekend. Work suggestions have been uploaded to Aladdin. Thank you to those who have shared some of their work on Google Drive and also, well done to everyone for completing some fantastic projects on Spain!
The new project for this week and next is focussed on Biodiversity and there are some links below to help you get started. Continue to get lots of exercise and try to do as much reading as you can! Keep an eye on the 'Outdoor activities' section of the school website under the 'Covid 19' tab for some easy things to do while you are out and about. You can send pictures or drawings of your findings to [email protected] with the subject 'outdoor activities'.
Also, Happy Birthday to Chloe who celebrated her birthday at the weekend!🎁
Have a great week!
Mr. Enright
[email protected]
SESE (2 Week Project)
Biodiversity is how we as humans learn about and help to care for nature. It includes all the plants and animals you can think of, from huge elephants down to tiny bugs as well as huge trees and wildflowers.
Your project/challenge is to build a mammal tunnel.>Follow the link below for important information and a how-to video.
If you don’t have anywhere to put a mammal tunnel maybe you could build a bird bath instead
Can you create a poster to help people be more aware about looking after nature and the environment? Maybe you could use recyclable materials from home as part of your poster? Including some real leaves, flowers, grass etc. would help it to really stand out.
Imagine you have been put in charge of making a lovely green area for Newtownmountkennedy. What would you include in this new “Park”? Remember the park should be for everybody in the community not just YOU and your friends. Pick 5 things that you think should be in the park and explain your reason for each one with two or three sentences. For example, “I think there should be a big playground for children in the new park. I think this would be important as it would give children lots of chances to be with their friends in a safe place and have lots of fun. It would also be good to exercise.
If you like you can draw a map of your new park or maybe even make a small model!
Useful Websites:
Maths Tables:
Maths – Money:
RTÉ’s Home School Hub: RTÉ2 @11am:
Cúla 4 Ar Scoil: TG4 at 10am (
Go Noodle:
Daily Challenge
Monday: Tongue Twister time
A tree toad loved a she-toad,
Who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree toad,
But a three-toed toad was she.
The two-toed tree toad tried to win,
The three-toed she-toad's heart,
For the two-toed tree toad loved the ground,
That the three-toed tree toad trod.
But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain.
He couldn't please her whim.
From her tree toad bower,
With her three-toed power,
The she-toad vetoed him.
Tuesday: Build a card house/pyramid
Using playing cards or something similar see if you can build a house of cards or the largest pyramid you can. Pictures can be sent through e-mail if you would like to show your work off.
Wednesday: The Celts, Romans, Greeks, Vikings and Egyptians all worshipped many Gods/Goddesses.
See if you can find out some information about the god or goddess from each different group that oversaw the same thing. For Example
Hades was the Greek god of the Underworld
Osiris was the Egyptian God of the underworld
Hel(a) was the Viking Goddess of the underworld
See if you can fill in my blanks or create your own.
Thursday: Make a Recipe for the Best Toasted Sandwich in the World.
Write a simple recipe for the most wonderful, fantastic, delicious toasted sandwich in the world.
What ingredients will you choose?
How much of each ingredient will be needed?
Will there be any sauces included?
What will make your sandwich stand out from all the rest?
Who would you make this sandwich for?
What if it was a sandwich for a character from your favourite book/story/game?
Friday: Superhero Challenge
The Thor Throwdown
10 x sit ups
10 x push ups
10 x box jumps
30 seconds Mountain climbers
30 second Plank
That is 1 round.
Rest 30 seconds before starting again. See how many rounds you can do before you must stop.
Life Skills:
Monday: Learn how to fix the chain on your bike if it falls off.
Tuesday: Learn how to hang clothes on the washing line properly OR how to use the dryer.
Wednesday: Help to write a shopping list for the family.
Thursday: Do a fire safety check in your house. Make sure the smoke alarms are working and everyone knows the fire drill.
Friday: Make a HEALTHY lunch for yourself.
I hope everyone is keeping well and had a nice weekend. Work suggestions have been uploaded to Aladdin. Thank you to those who have shared some of their work on Google Drive and also, well done to everyone for completing some fantastic projects on Spain!
The new project for this week and next is focussed on Biodiversity and there are some links below to help you get started. Continue to get lots of exercise and try to do as much reading as you can! Keep an eye on the 'Outdoor activities' section of the school website under the 'Covid 19' tab for some easy things to do while you are out and about. You can send pictures or drawings of your findings to [email protected] with the subject 'outdoor activities'.
Also, Happy Birthday to Chloe who celebrated her birthday at the weekend!🎁
Have a great week!
Mr. Enright
[email protected]
SESE (2 Week Project)
Biodiversity is how we as humans learn about and help to care for nature. It includes all the plants and animals you can think of, from huge elephants down to tiny bugs as well as huge trees and wildflowers.
Your project/challenge is to build a mammal tunnel.>Follow the link below for important information and a how-to video.
If you don’t have anywhere to put a mammal tunnel maybe you could build a bird bath instead
Can you create a poster to help people be more aware about looking after nature and the environment? Maybe you could use recyclable materials from home as part of your poster? Including some real leaves, flowers, grass etc. would help it to really stand out.
Imagine you have been put in charge of making a lovely green area for Newtownmountkennedy. What would you include in this new “Park”? Remember the park should be for everybody in the community not just YOU and your friends. Pick 5 things that you think should be in the park and explain your reason for each one with two or three sentences. For example, “I think there should be a big playground for children in the new park. I think this would be important as it would give children lots of chances to be with their friends in a safe place and have lots of fun. It would also be good to exercise.
If you like you can draw a map of your new park or maybe even make a small model!
Useful Websites:
Maths Tables:
Maths – Money:
RTÉ’s Home School Hub: RTÉ2 @11am:
Cúla 4 Ar Scoil: TG4 at 10am (
Go Noodle:
Daily Challenge
Monday: Tongue Twister time
A tree toad loved a she-toad,
Who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree toad,
But a three-toed toad was she.
The two-toed tree toad tried to win,
The three-toed she-toad's heart,
For the two-toed tree toad loved the ground,
That the three-toed tree toad trod.
But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain.
He couldn't please her whim.
From her tree toad bower,
With her three-toed power,
The she-toad vetoed him.
Tuesday: Build a card house/pyramid
Using playing cards or something similar see if you can build a house of cards or the largest pyramid you can. Pictures can be sent through e-mail if you would like to show your work off.
Wednesday: The Celts, Romans, Greeks, Vikings and Egyptians all worshipped many Gods/Goddesses.
See if you can find out some information about the god or goddess from each different group that oversaw the same thing. For Example
Hades was the Greek god of the Underworld
Osiris was the Egyptian God of the underworld
Hel(a) was the Viking Goddess of the underworld
See if you can fill in my blanks or create your own.
Thursday: Make a Recipe for the Best Toasted Sandwich in the World.
Write a simple recipe for the most wonderful, fantastic, delicious toasted sandwich in the world.
What ingredients will you choose?
How much of each ingredient will be needed?
Will there be any sauces included?
What will make your sandwich stand out from all the rest?
Who would you make this sandwich for?
What if it was a sandwich for a character from your favourite book/story/game?
Friday: Superhero Challenge
The Thor Throwdown
10 x sit ups
10 x push ups
10 x box jumps
30 seconds Mountain climbers
30 second Plank
That is 1 round.
Rest 30 seconds before starting again. See how many rounds you can do before you must stop.
Life Skills:
Monday: Learn how to fix the chain on your bike if it falls off.
Tuesday: Learn how to hang clothes on the washing line properly OR how to use the dryer.
Wednesday: Help to write a shopping list for the family.
Thursday: Do a fire safety check in your house. Make sure the smoke alarms are working and everyone knows the fire drill.
Friday: Make a HEALTHY lunch for yourself.