Hello Everyone,
Finally getting a new blog post up for everyone! Can you believe it's June? Where have the last few months back at school gone?
I would like to say a big well done to 4th Class for all their superb work over the last couple months! I am so pleased and so proud of each and every one of them! Its been a funny ole year with a mix of in school and online learning, however, everyone came back and settled in so well!
Have a look at the March/ April Curricular update below and some pictures of the incredible work that the children have been up to 😊
Finally getting a new blog post up for everyone! Can you believe it's June? Where have the last few months back at school gone?
I would like to say a big well done to 4th Class for all their superb work over the last couple months! I am so pleased and so proud of each and every one of them! Its been a funny ole year with a mix of in school and online learning, however, everyone came back and settled in so well!
Have a look at the March/ April Curricular update below and some pictures of the incredible work that the children have been up to 😊