In addition to PE lessons pupils take part in many fun activities to stay active. Our school day is regularly revitalized within the classroom with ‘brain break’ activities such as yoga, dance, aerobics and Zumba thanks to the Go Noodle website, the Bizzy Breaks programme and teacher led physical movement breaks. These regular brain breaks boost energy levels fuelling the children’s brains for further learning. These breaks are particularly important on rainy days when we can’t get outside and movement breaks are extended on these days.
We have many initiatives to promote activity throughout the day and school year. These include chiristmas disco, zoned playground games, the 10@10,school discos, Run around Europe, whole school walks, céilís, million step challenge, active week, whole school cycle to school day using the playground markings and having active rewards.
Teachers also use activity throughout the curriculum. For example maths trails, nature walks, tours of the school, Deir O Gradaigh as Gaeilge.
In addition to PE lessons pupils take part in many fun activities to stay active. Our school day is regularly revitalized within the classroom with ‘brain break’ activities such as yoga, dance, aerobics and Zumba thanks to the Go Noodle website, the Bizzy Breaks programme and teacher led physical movement breaks. These regular brain breaks boost energy levels fuelling the children’s brains for further learning. These breaks are particularly important on rainy days when we can’t get outside and movement breaks are extended on these days.
We have many initiatives to promote activity throughout the day and school year. These include chiristmas disco, zoned playground games, the 10@10,school discos, Run around Europe, whole school walks, céilís, million step challenge, active week, whole school cycle to school day using the playground markings and having active rewards.
Teachers also use activity throughout the curriculum. For example maths trails, nature walks, tours of the school, Deir O Gradaigh as Gaeilge.