Dear Awesome and Amazing 3rd class
I am not really sure how to even begin writing this post . The time has come for Mr. O' to go . It is with great sadness and a very heavy heart that I must pass on my leadership responsibilities of the Newtown Hairy Hooligan Tribe.. It has been my utmost honour , pride and privilege to be your Teacher/Leader for this school year . We have been on so many wonderful adventures and had so much fun becoming the best bunch of Vikings I have ever seen.. We became rocket scientists , we traveled to Ancient Greece and met the Athenians and the famous Spartans, we learned how to dig tunnels and steal chickens from mean and nasty farmers, we learned how to defeat dinosaurs and monsters as brave knights of the round table, we learned how to train dragons and of course we not only learned about , but became Vikings. The name of the Hairy Hooligans is now famous far beyond Newtown. No doubt no invaders would even dare to challenge us. I know it is very unfair that we missed so much time together and missed many important lessons ( and of course musical mayhem , dance parties and total shenanigans of awesome ). I will miss each and every one of you crazy bunch so very much. Who am I going to rock out with now? I hope nobody will be too upset but if you ever find yourself feeling a little sad about things try to remember all the fun times and awesome learning we did this year . Hip Hop Hula Hoops , awesome projects , red velvet cake, BINGO, more books than you knew what to do with , Knights Vs. dinosaurs and Monsters. Christmas rockets and Viking fashions, Gods and Goddesses , stories of ice giants and rainbow roads. Monster hunting Mathematics , Our concert performances like Here Comes the Sun, An Zú as Gaeilge and of course the Haka of the missing socks.. You have all been so amazing , clever,, creative , happy and confident, a group of total stars. There are not enough dojo points in the world that would come close to matching how supercalifragilisticexpialidocious you all have been you even managed to be dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupus most of the time too.. Now I can not go without sorting out a new leader for the Hairy Hooligan Tribe , that just wouldn't be fair now would it ? It is almost like this will be your final initiation test on Thor Thursday. If you would like to be the new leader and take over from me as I go battle giant sea monsters ,Gods, evil homework fairies and show Thor and Loki how to gor a proper beard , you should write a letter or maybe even a video post explaining why you should be the next leader of the Hairy Hooligans (we might even have to change the name slightly, depending on who wins) Is it time perhaps for a girl to be leader, maybe the mushroom mayhem will take over?, a co-leader set up might work? , a lemon needs a lime to work best together. Time for a ballerina? or a box kicker? , a marvellously mad baker?, a Scotlander maybe?, a Mammy or Daddy of dragons perhaps?. A cackling story teller? A sparklin' Spartan? 12 sisters to rule one for each month? Oh really ? maybe O'Reilly. A Rock Star King who likes "Queen", A hungry 7th of his name? The newest Hooligan to join? It could go from me to you to me to you,Timmy? A hurler with a famous footballing name ? A Maths whizz 9 x 9 ? An Artist ? A Poet/? Naruto's number one fan? A sea Queen who swaps dragons for giant crabs? The possibilities are so many. Now I must say goodbye as all this talk of fighting sea monsters and growing beards has left me with little time to prepare and this strange clear liquid keep gathering in my eyes . Goodbye to all my Hairy Hooligans . Always be the Rockstars you truly are .
One last dance party , I bet you had no idea this one was coming .
I am not really sure how to even begin writing this post . The time has come for Mr. O' to go . It is with great sadness and a very heavy heart that I must pass on my leadership responsibilities of the Newtown Hairy Hooligan Tribe.. It has been my utmost honour , pride and privilege to be your Teacher/Leader for this school year . We have been on so many wonderful adventures and had so much fun becoming the best bunch of Vikings I have ever seen.. We became rocket scientists , we traveled to Ancient Greece and met the Athenians and the famous Spartans, we learned how to dig tunnels and steal chickens from mean and nasty farmers, we learned how to defeat dinosaurs and monsters as brave knights of the round table, we learned how to train dragons and of course we not only learned about , but became Vikings. The name of the Hairy Hooligans is now famous far beyond Newtown. No doubt no invaders would even dare to challenge us. I know it is very unfair that we missed so much time together and missed many important lessons ( and of course musical mayhem , dance parties and total shenanigans of awesome ). I will miss each and every one of you crazy bunch so very much. Who am I going to rock out with now? I hope nobody will be too upset but if you ever find yourself feeling a little sad about things try to remember all the fun times and awesome learning we did this year . Hip Hop Hula Hoops , awesome projects , red velvet cake, BINGO, more books than you knew what to do with , Knights Vs. dinosaurs and Monsters. Christmas rockets and Viking fashions, Gods and Goddesses , stories of ice giants and rainbow roads. Monster hunting Mathematics , Our concert performances like Here Comes the Sun, An Zú as Gaeilge and of course the Haka of the missing socks.. You have all been so amazing , clever,, creative , happy and confident, a group of total stars. There are not enough dojo points in the world that would come close to matching how supercalifragilisticexpialidocious you all have been you even managed to be dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupus most of the time too.. Now I can not go without sorting out a new leader for the Hairy Hooligan Tribe , that just wouldn't be fair now would it ? It is almost like this will be your final initiation test on Thor Thursday. If you would like to be the new leader and take over from me as I go battle giant sea monsters ,Gods, evil homework fairies and show Thor and Loki how to gor a proper beard , you should write a letter or maybe even a video post explaining why you should be the next leader of the Hairy Hooligans (we might even have to change the name slightly, depending on who wins) Is it time perhaps for a girl to be leader, maybe the mushroom mayhem will take over?, a co-leader set up might work? , a lemon needs a lime to work best together. Time for a ballerina? or a box kicker? , a marvellously mad baker?, a Scotlander maybe?, a Mammy or Daddy of dragons perhaps?. A cackling story teller? A sparklin' Spartan? 12 sisters to rule one for each month? Oh really ? maybe O'Reilly. A Rock Star King who likes "Queen", A hungry 7th of his name? The newest Hooligan to join? It could go from me to you to me to you,Timmy? A hurler with a famous footballing name ? A Maths whizz 9 x 9 ? An Artist ? A Poet/? Naruto's number one fan? A sea Queen who swaps dragons for giant crabs? The possibilities are so many. Now I must say goodbye as all this talk of fighting sea monsters and growing beards has left me with little time to prepare and this strange clear liquid keep gathering in my eyes . Goodbye to all my Hairy Hooligans . Always be the Rockstars you truly are .
One last dance party , I bet you had no idea this one was coming .